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Afferent vs. Efferent neurons : Afferent = Arrive

Efferent = Exit
Argyll-Robertson Pupil features Argyll Robertson Pupil (ARP): Read it from front to back: it is "ARP" Which stands for
A : Accomodation
R : Reflex
P : Present

Read it from back to front: it is "PRA" Which stands for
P : Pupillary
R : Reflex
A : Absent.
Auditory pathway : "Hungry Girls 8(ate) Nothing To SLIM Themselves"
Hair cells
spiral Ganglion
cranial nerve 8
cochlear Nuclei
Trapezoid body (decussation of ventral nuclei)
Superior olivary nucleus
Lateral leminiscus
Inferior colliculus
Medial geniculate body
Transverse temporal gyrus
Auditory pathway mandatory stops : "Chidera Is My Brother"
Cochlear nucleus
Inferior colliculus
Medial geniculate nucleus
Brodmann"s 41 (cortex)
Babinski and LMN signs conditions exhibiting them : "A True Doctor Must Stay Strong"
A : Ataxia (friedrichs)
T : Tabo paresis
D : Diabetes
M : Motor neuron disease
S : Subacute combined degeneration of cord
S : Syringobulbia
Basal ganglia D1 vs. D2 connections : D1 has 1 connection (Striatum-GPi/SNpr)
D2 has 2connections (Striatum-GPe-GPi/SNpr)
Basal ganglia: indirect vs. direct pathway : The Indirect pathway Inhibits.
Direct pathway is hence Excitatory.
Cerebellar damage signs : "DANISH"
D : Dysdiadochokinesis
A : Ataxia
N : Nystagmus
I : Intention tremor
S : Slurred speech
H : Hypotonia
Cerebellar damage signs : "SHADING"
S : Speech
H : Hypotonia
A : Ataxia
D : Dysdiadochokinesia
I : Intention tremor
N : Nystagmus
G : Gait
Cerebellar deep nuclei : "Ladies Demand Exceptional Generosity From Men"
The 4 nuclei, from lateral to medial:
L : [Lateral]
D : Dentate
E : Emboliform
G : Globose
F: Fastigial
M: [Medial]
Cerebellar deep nuclei : "Fat Girls Eat Donut"
From medial to lateral :
F : Fastigial
G : Globose
E : Emboliform
D : Dentate
Cerebellar functional areas Anatomical shape/location of cerebellar areas is a key to their function and related tract : Vermis = Spinocerebellar = Axial Equilibrium.
Vermis: right down the axis of cerebellum, and vertically segmented like a spinal column.

Flocculonodular lobe = Vestibulocerebellar = Ear, eye, body Co-ordination.
Flocculonodular lobe: flares out to the edges, just like ears.
Hemispheres of cerebellum = Cerebrocerebellar = Peripheral Co-ordination
Hemispheres: around periphery of cerebellum, and tract to cerebral hemispheres .
Cerebellar peduncles: afferent vs efferent : "SEMA"
S : Superior cerebellar peduncle
E : Efferent (fibres)
M : Middle cerebellar peduncle
A : Afferent (fibres)
Cerebellar signs : "PINARD'S"
P : Past pointing
I : Intention tremor
N : Nystagmus
A : Ataxia
R : Rebound
D : Dysdiadokinesia
S : Slurred speech
Chemoreceptor trigger zone : "Suppress Harsh Man On Drugs"
S : Serotonin
H : Histamine
M : Muscarinic
O : Opioids
D : Dopamine
Chorea common causes : "VITUS"S DANCE"
Increased RBC"s (polycythemia)
Toxins: CO, Mg, Hg
Senile chorea
APLA syndrome
Neurodegenerative conditions: HD, neuroacanthocytosis, DRPLA
Conception related: pregnancy, OCP"s
Endocrine: hyperthyroidism, hypo-, hyperglycemia
Coronal section of brain: structures : "In Extreme Conditions Eat People"s Guts Instead of Their Hearts"
From insula to midline

I : Insula
E : Extreme capsule
C : Claustrum
E : External capsule
P : Putamen
G : Globis pallidus
I : Internal capsule
T : Thalamus
H : Hypothalamus
Cranial nerves Numbered Accordingly: From I to XII: "Oh Oh Oh! To Touch And Feel Very Good Velvet, Arranges Happiness!"
Cranial nerves Functions : "Some Say Marry Money But My Brother Says Big Brain Matter More"
S= sensory , M=motor , B= both

From I to XII:

Cranial nerves: Olfactory and Optic Numbers : "You have two eyes and one nose"
Optic nerve is cranial nerve Two .
Olfactory nerve is cranial nerve One .
Dysphagia vs. Dysphasia : DysphaSia is for Speech
DysphaGia is for your Gut [swallowing].
Dysphasia : Broca"s vs. Wernicke"s causing expressive vs. receptive
Broca"s area: Expressive dysphasia.
Wernicke"s Area: REceptive dysphasia
GABA vs. Glu : The excitatory vs. inhibitory transmitter in brain (eg in basal ganglia) When you Glue two things together, you add (+)
Therefore Glu is the excitatory one (+).
GABA is therefore the negative And So is The Inhibitiory one.
Geniculate bodies paired to respective colliculi : "SLIM"
Superior colliculi: Lateral geniculate body.
Inferior colliculi: Medial geniculate body.
Geniculate bodies: medial vs. lateral system : "Lateral=Light.

Lateral geniculate body is for : Visual system.
Medial geniculate is for : Auditory system.
Geniculate bodies: medial vs. lateral system : "MALE"
Medial geniculate body is for auditory system, lateral geniculate body is for visual system.
Can expand to MALES to remember Lateral=Eye=Superior colliculus (thus medial is inferior colliculus by default).
Geniculocalcarine tract :

Lower bank of calcarine sulcus is the Lingual gyrus: it receives input from Lower retinal quadrants.

Therefore, Cuneus is the Upper bank of calcarine sulcus: it receives input from Upper retinal quadrants.

Remember: lower retinal quadrants represent superior visual field quadrants and viceversa.

Huntington's: chromosome, involvements : HUNT 4 DATE
HUNTington's on chromosome 4
With cauDATE nucleus involvement.
Hypothalamus Feeding vs.Satiety center : "Late night snack"
LATEral is snacking [Feeding] center.
Therefore, Ventromedial is Satiety center.
Hypothalamus general functions : "LATE"
L : Libido
A : Appetite
T : Temperature
E : Emotion
Hypothalamus: feeding vs. satiety center : "Stim the lat, get fat"
Stimulating lateral increases hunger.
"Stim the ven, get thin"
Stimulating ventromedial increases satiety.
Lower vs. upper motor neuron lesion effects : 1. "STORM, Baby"
2. In a Lower motor neuron lesion, everything goes Down:

STORM Baby tells you effects

S : Strength
T : Tone
O : Other
R : Reflexes
M : Muscle mass
B : Babinski"s sign

In Lower all things go down: strength, tone, reflexes, muscle mass, and the big toe down in plantar reflex (Babinski"s sign is big toe up: toe up = UMNL).

Meninges: layers from inner to outer : "PAD"
P : Piamater
A : Arachnoid
D : Dura
Multiple sclerosis: signs and symptoms : "INSULAR"
Intention tremor
Slurred speech
Uthoff"s phenomenon
Lhermitte"s sign
Olivary nuclei: ear vs. eye roles : Superior Olivary nucleus: SOund localization.
Inferior olivary nucleus : is therefore the one for sight [tactile, proprioception also].
Parasympathetic vs. sympathetic Function :
Sympathetic nervous system

"Fight or Flight"

Parasympathetic nervous system

"Rest and Digest"
Precentral vs. postcentral gyrus: motor vs. sensory : Just an extension of the rule that anterior = ventral = efferent = motor.

The precentral gyrus is on the anterior side of the brain, so is therefore motor.

Purkinje cells in cerebellum are inhibitory to deep nuclei : Shape of a purkinje cell in 3 dimensions is same as a policeman's hand saying
Therefore, purkinje cells are inhibitory.
Spinal cord: afferent vs. efferent neurons : Confusing because they both sound the " SAME "
Spinal tracts: Gracilus vs. Cuneatus: origin from upper vs. lower :

in limbs Gracilus is the name of a muscle in the legs, so Fasciculus Gracilus is for the lower limbs.

By default, Fasciculus Cuneatus must be for upper limbs.
Spinothalamic tracts: function of lateral vs. ventral : " Lumbago is conveyed by the Lateral Tract "
Lumbago is lower back pain. Therefore lateral tract conveys Pain.
So by default, ventral tract conveys light .
Temporal lobe: location of high vs. low frequency recognition : The bass clef looks like an ear.
Therefore, the bass clef [low frequency] is closer to the ear.
And the treble clef [high frequency] is more medial.
Thirst/water balance control centre: location in hypothalamus : "You look up (supra...optic) at the clouds, to check if its going to rain (water)"
Therefore, water balance is in supraoptic nucleus.
Ventricle aperatures : "MEET MY LOST LOVE "
Magendie foramen is the Medial aperture .
Luschka foramen is the Lateral aperture .
Ventricle aperatures Mnemonic , Multiple sclerosis Mnemonic , Meninges Mnemonic , Hypothalamus general functions Mnemonic , Hypothalamus Feeding vs.Satiety center Mnemonic , Functions of Cranial Nerves Mnemonics , Cranial nerves Numbered Accordingly Mnemonic , Coronal section of brain Mnemonic , Chorea common causes Mnemonic , Chemoreceptor trigger zone Mnemonic , Cerebellar signs Mnemonic , Cerebellar peduncles Mnemonic , Cerebellar functional areas Mnemonic , Cerebellar deep nuclei Mnemonic , Cerebellar deep nuclei Mnemonic , Cerebellar damage signs Mnemonic , Basal ganglia D1 vs. D2 connections Mnemonic , Babinski and LMN signs Mnemonic , Auditory pathway mandatory stops Mnemonic , Auditory pathway Mnemonic , Auditory pathway Mnemonic , Argyll-Robertson Pupil features Argyll Robertson Pupil Mnemonic , Afferent vs. Efferent neurons Mnemonic .

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