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Achalasia,1 possible cause, 1 treatment : "aCHAlasia"
1 possible cause: CHAgas disease
1 treatment: Ca++ CHAnnel blockers
Carcinoid syndrome Components: "CARCinoid"
C - Cutaneous flushing
A - Asthmatic wheezing
R - Right sided valvular heart lesions
C - Cramping and diarrhea
Celiac sprue gluten sensitive enteropathy gluten-containing grains : "BROW"
Flattened intestinal villi of
sprue are smooth, like an eyebrow.

Colon Cancer risk Factors : "LUHA"
L - Low fibre, high fat diet
U - Ulcerative colitis
H - Heridity / Heriditary diseases
A - Adenomatous polyps
Colon Carcinoma Aeitiology : "CRAPS"
C - Chronic ulcerative colitis
R - Ratio of animal fat:fibre diet
A - Adenomatous polyps
F - Familial Polyposis
S - Strong family history of colon cancer
Constipation Causes : "DOPED"
D - Drugs (eg opiates)
O - Obstruction (eg IBD, cancer)
P - Pain
E - Endocrine (eg hypothyroid)
D - Depression
Crohn's disease morphology ,Symptoms : "CHRISTMAS"
C - Cobblestones
H - High temperature
R - Reduced lumen
I - Intestinal fistulae
S - Skip lesions
T - Transmural (all layers, may ulcerate)
M - Malabsorption
A - Abdominal pain
S - Submucosal fibrosis
pH Levels in Digestive Disorders :Vomiting vs Diarrhea: With Vomiting both the pH and food come up.
With Diarrhea both the pH and food go down.
Dry mouth: differential : "DRI" (2 of each)
D - Drugs/Dehydration
R - Renal failure/Radiotherapy
I - Immunological (Sjogrens)/Intense emotions
Dysphagia Causes : "MOON"
M - Mouth lesions
O - Obstruction
O - Oesophageal stricture
N - Neurological (eg stroke, Guillain-Barre, achalasia)
Dysphagia Differential : "DISPHAGIA"

D - Disease of mouth and tonsils/ Diffuse oesophageal spasm/ Diabetes mellitus.

I - Intrinsic lesion
S - Scleroderma
P - Pharyngeal disorders/Palsy-bulbar-MND
H - Heart: Left atrium enlargement
A - Achalasia
G - Goitre/myesthenia Gravis/ mediastinal Glands
I - Infections
A - American trypanosomiasis (chagas disease)
Causes of GI bleeding: "ABCDEFGHI"
A - Angiodysplasia
B - Bowel cancer
C - Colitis
D - Diverticulitis/Duodenal ulcer
E - Epitaxis/Esophageal (cancer, esophagitis, varices)
F - Fistula (anal, aortaenteric)
G - Gastric (cancer, ulcer, gastritis)
H - Hemorrhoids
I - Infectious diarrhoea/IBD/Ischemic bowel
GIT symptoms : "BAD ANAL SHIT"
B - Bleeding
A - Abdominal pain
D - Dysphagia
A - Abdominal bloating
N - Nausea & vomiting
A - Anorexia/Appetite changes
L - Lethargy
S - Shits (diarrhea)
H - Heartburn
I - Increased bilirubin (jaundice)
T - Temperature (fever)
H. Pylori treatment regimen (rough guidelines): "Peter May Train Blake"
Proton pump inhibitor

T - Tetracycline
O - Omeprazole
M - Metronidazole
B - Bismuth
IBD extraintestinal Manifestations : "A PIE SAC"
A - Aphthous ulcers
P - Pyoderma gangrenosum
I - Iritis
E - Erythema nodosum
S - Sclerosing cholangitis
A - Arthritis
C - Clubbing of fingertips
Causes of Malabsorption: "CCC"
C - Coeliac disease
C - Crohn"s disease
C - Chronic Pancreatitis
Causes of Acute Pancreatitis : "I GET SMASHED"
I - Idiopathitic
G - Gallstones
E - Ethanol
T - Trauma
S - Steroids
M - Mumps
A - Autoimmune (PAN)
S - Scorpion stings
H - Hyperlipidemia/Hypercalcemia
D - Drugs (including azathioprine and diuretics)

Note: "Get Smashed" is slang in some countries for drinking, and Ethanol is an important cause of pancreatitis .

Note: Shortest answer is Gallstones for women, and ethanol for men. And scorpion stings for people from Trinidad

Pancreatitis Ranson Criteria for Pancreatitis at admission : "LEGAL"
L - Leukocytes > 16.000
E - Enzyme AST > 250
G - Glucose > 200
A - Age > 55
L - LDH > 350
Pancreatitis Ranson criteria for pancreatitis initial 48 hours: "C & HOBBS" (Calvin and Hobbes)
C - Calcium < 8
H - Hct drop > 10%
O - Oxygen < 60 mm
B - BUN > 5
B - Base deficit > 4
S - Sequestration of fluid > 6L
Causes of Pancreatitis: "PANCREATITIS"
P - Posterior
A - Alcohol
N - Neoplasm
C - Cholelithiasis
R - Rx (lasix, AZT)
A - Abdominal surgery
T - Trauma
I - Infection (mumps)
T - Triglycerides elevated
I - Idiopathic
S - Scorpion
Pancreatitis criteria : "PANCREAS"
P - PaO2 below 8
A - Age >55
N - Neutrophils: WCC >15
C - Calcium below 2
R - Renal: Urea >16
E - Enzymes: LDH >600; AST >200
A - Albumin below 32
S - Sugar: Glucose >10 (unless diabetic patient)
Peptic ulcer associated causative factors : "SAMZAH"
S - Smoking
A - Aspirin
M - MEN type I
Z - Zollinger-Ellison
A - Acidity
H - Hypercalcemia

These may work with H. pylori to promote ulceration, or may act alone.

Metastatic Sarcomas : "CARES"
C - Clear cell sarcoma
A - Angiosarcoma
R - Rhabdomyosarcoma
E - Embryonal sarcoma
S - Synovial sarcoma
Ulcerative colitis complications : "PAST Colitis"
P - Pyoderma gangrenosum
A - Ankylosing spondylitis
S - Sclerosing pericholangitis
T - Toxic megacolon
C - Colon carcinoma
Ulcerative colitis definition of a severe attack : "A STATE"
A - Anemia less than 10g/dl

S - Stool frequency greater than 6 stools/day with blood

T - Temperature greater than 37.5
A - Albumin less than 30g/L
T - Tachycardia greater than 90bpm
E - ESR greater than 30mm/hr
Ulcerative colitis features : "ULCERATIONS"
U - Ulcers
L - Large intestine
C - Carcinoma [risk]
E - Extraintestinal manifestations
R - Remnants of old ulcers [pseudopolyps]
A - Abscesses in crypts
T - Toxic megacolon [risk]
I - Inflamed, red, granular mucosa
O - Originates at rectum
N - Neutrophil invasion
S - Stools bloody
Upper GI Endoscopy indications : "How Gastroenterology Doctors Visualise Inside The Duodenum"
H - Haematemesis
G - Gastric biopsy (cancer?)
D - Dyspepsia (>55 years old or ALARM Symptoms)
V - Vomiting, persistent
I - Iron-deficiency anaemia
T - Therapeutic e.g. banding, sclerotherapy, stent, laser therapy
D - Duodenal biopsy
Vomiting extra GI differential : "VOMITING"
V - Vestibular disturbance/Vagal (reflex pain)
O - Opiates
M - Migrane/ Metabolic (DKA, gastroparesis, hypercalcemia)
I - Infections
T - Toxicity (cytotoxic, digitalis toxicity)
I - Increased ICP, Ingested alcohol
N - Neurogenic, psychogenic
G - Gestation
Whipple's Disease, Clinical Manifestations : "SHEDLA"
S - Serositis
H - Hyperpigmentation of skin
E - Eating less (weight loss)
D - Diarrhea
L - Lymphadenopathy
A - Arthritis

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