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Anemia causes (simplified) : "ANEMIA"
A - Anemia of chronic disease
N - No folate or B12
E - Ethanol
M - Marrow failure & hemaglobinopathies
I - Iron deficient
A - Acute & chronic blood loss
Anemia: Using TIBC to Differentiate Iron Deficiency From Chronic Disease.
TIBC levels at the:
Top = Iron deficiency.
Bottom = Chronic disease.
Blood Disorders Common In Male Vs Female : Common Blood Disorders in "HE" (male):
Common Blood Disorder in "SHE" (female) :

Blood transfusions Immediate complications : "FATA Baluchistan"
F - Fluid overload
A - Anaphylaxis / Allergic reaction
T - Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)
A - ARDS (this is basically TRALI due to anti-leukocyte antibodies from donor plasma
B - Bacterial contamination
Components of CBC (Complete Blood Count) : "HELPR"
H - H/H (Hemoglobin/Hematocrit)
E - Erythrocytes (RBCs)
L - Leukocytes (WBCs)
P - Platelets
R - R/R (reticulocytes/RBC indices)
Contraindications to warfarin with AF: "AF Bleeds Horrendously"
A - Adherence poor
F - Falls history/risk
B - Bleeding/coagulation disorders
H - Hypertension (+ warfarin = brain haemorrhage
Genetic Causes of Deep Venous Thrombosis : "ALASCA"
A : Antithrombin III
L : Leiden (Factor V)
A : APC (Activated Protein C)
S : S-protein deficiency
C : C-protein deficiency
A : Antiphospholipid antibody
Causes of Disseminated Intravascular Cogulation (DIC):
Obstretrical complications are

T - Toxemia of pregnancy
E - Emboli (amniotic)
A - Abrutio placentae
R - Retained fetus products
Haematological Features of Hemolytic anaemia : "BLUHR"
B - Biliburin, unconjugated (INCREASE)
L - Lactate dehydrogenase (INCREASE)
U - Urinary urobilinogen (INCREASE)
H - Haptoglobin (DECREASE)
R - Reticulocytosis and polychromasia
Types Of Hemolytic Anemia : "SHEEP TIT"
S - Sickle cell
H - Heriditary splenocytosis
E - Enzyme deficiencies: [G6P, pyruvate kinase]
E - Erythroblastosis fetalis
P - Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
T - Trauma to RBCs
I - Immunohemolytics: [warm Ab, cold Ag]
T - Thalassemias: [alpha, beta]
Immune Thromobocytopenic Purpura (ITP): Causes :
M - Malignancy
A - Autoimmune diseases: SLE, thyroid disease, RA
I - Infections: malaria, EBV, HIV/Idiopathic (commonest cause)
D - Drugs, e.g. quinine
Symptoms :
B - Bruising
B - Bleeding: mucosal and nasal
C - Cycles heavy; menorrhagia
Leukaemia Symptoms and signs : "LEUKEMIA(the US spelling!)"
L - Light skin (pallor)
E - Energy decreased/Enlarged spleen, liver, lymph nodes
U - Underweight
K - Kidney failure
E - Excess heat (fever)
M - Mottled skin (haemorrhage)
I - Infections
A - Anaemia
Leukemias - Acute vs. Chronic : "rules of thumb ABCDEF"
Acute is:
Blasts predominate
Drastic course
Few WBC's (so Fevers)
Chronic is all the opposites:
Mature cells predominate
Middle aged
Less debilitating course
Elevated WBC's, so not a history of fevers and infections
Lymphoma treatment : Hodgkin's Lymphoma
"Brother Drives Very Anxiously"
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
C - Cyclophosphamide
R - Rituximab
O - Oncovin (Vincristine)
P - Prednisolone
H - Hydroxydaunorubicin
Macrocytic Anaemia Differential : "FAT RBC"
F - Fetus (pregnancy)
A - Alcohol
T - Thyroid disease(ie hypothyroidism)
R - Reticulocytosis
B - B12 and folate deficiency
C - Cirrhosis and chronic liver disease
Macrocytosis, Non-B12/folate causes : "HELP ANDRA"
H - Hemaolysis (especially chronic)
E - Endocrine (hypothyroidism)
L - Liver disease
P - Pregnancy
A - Alcohol
N - Neoplasia (including myelodysplasia)
D - Drugs (especially myelosuppressives like chemotherapy, anti-HIV meds)
R - Reticulocytes
A - Agglutination
Microcytic anaemia : Causes Of Microcytic Anemia: "FAST"
F - Fe (iron) deficiency
A - Anaemia of chronic disease (can also cause normocytic anaemia)
S - Sideroblastic anaemia
T - Thalassaemia
Sickle cell disease Signs : "SICKLE"
S - Splenomegaly/Sludging
I - Infection
C - Cholelithiasis
K - Kidney haematuria
L - Liver congestion/Leg ulcers
E - Eye changes
Splenomegaly Causes : "CHINA"
C - Congestion/Cellular infiltration
H - Haematological (eg haemolytic anaemia, Sickle cell)
I - Infection/ Infarction (eg malaria, GF, CMV)
N - Neoplasia (eg CML, lymphoma, other myeloproliferative)
A - Autoimmune
Causes of Splenomegaly: "CHINA"
C - Congestion : portal hypertension
H - Haematological : haemolytic anaemia, sickle cell disease
I - Infection : malaria, EBV, CMV, HIV
N - Neoplasm: CML, myelofibrosis, lymphoma
A - Autoimmune : RA, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis
Causes of Massive splenomegaly (3 Ms):
chronic Myeloid leukaemia
TTP clinical features Thrombosis and thrombocytopenia : "PARTNER"
P - Platelet count low
A - Anemia (microangiopathic hemolytic)
R - Renal failure
T - Temperature rise
N - Neurological deficits
ER - ERadmission (as it is an emergency)
Causes of Thrombocytopenia: "PLATELETS"
P - Platelet disorders: TTP, ITP, DIC
L - Leukaemia
A - Anaemia
T - Trauma
E - Enlarged spleen
L - Liver disease
E - Ethanol
T - Toxins: benzene, heparin, aspirin, chemotherapy.
S - Sepsis
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura signs : "FRANT"
F - Fever
R - Renal problems
A - Anemia
T - Thrombocytopenia
N - Neurologic dysfunction
Thrombus possible fates : "DOPE"
D - Dissolution
O - Organization & repair
P - Propagation
E - Embolization
Virchow's Triad (venous thrombosis) : "VIRchow"
V - Vascular trauma
I - Increased coagulability
R - Reduced blood flow (stasis)
Vitamin-k dependent clotting factors : 1972 (in reverse order)
II (2)
VII (7)
IX (9)
X (10)
White blood cell relative concentrations: "Nina, Let Mary Eat Banana"
From greatest to least

Neutrophils (65%)
Lymphocytes (25%)
Monocytes (6%)
Eosinophils (3%)
Basophils (1%)

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