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5 Types of Psoriatic Arthritis : "SODAS"
S - Spondylitis or Sacroiliac
O - Oligoarticular
D - Distal joint
A - Arthritis mutilans
S - Symmetric poylarthritis
Albinism: type I vs. II Classification : "One has None.Two Accumulates"
Type I: have no pigment.
Type II: No pigment at birth, but accumulates as person ages.
Allergic contact dermatitis Common allergens: "CONTACT"

C - Cutaneous type IV reaction

O - Ointments and cosmetics containing lanolin

N - Nickel

T - Topical antibiotics can cause it (e.g. neomycin)

A - Autosensitisation can occur (secondary spread elsewhere)

C - Chromates (cement, leather)/Colophony (plasters, glues, inks)

T - Topical antihistamines and topical anaesthetics (haemorrhoid creams) can cause it.

Behcet's Syndrome : Diagnostic Criteria : Pathergy Test
S - Skin lesions (e.g. erythema nodosum, subcutaneous thrombophlebitis
O - Oral ulceration (recurrent)
R - Recurrent genital ulceration
E - Eye lesions (e.g. iridocyclitis, chorioretinitis)
Black eschar differential : "CAGES"
C - Clostridium
A - Aspergillus ( Deep Fungal e.g. fusarium)/Anthrax
G - Group B strep
E - Ecthyma gangrenosum - pseudomonas
S - Spider bite
Causes of Exfoliative Dermatitis : "RED MAN"
R - Radiation
E - Eczema/psoriasis
D - Drugs
M - Malignancy (MF, lymphoma)
A - Autoimmune (rare DM)
N - No cause found (Idiopathic)
Chediak-Higashi Syndrome : "HIGASHI"
H - Hair, silver
I - Immune Deficiency
G - orGanelle-Lysosome
A - Anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia
S - Seizures, CNS
H - pHotophobia I - Inclusions-giant, azure
Clubbing causes : "CLUBBING"
C - Cyanotic heart disease
L - Lung disease (hypoxia, lung cancer, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis)
U - UC/Crohn"s disease
B - Biliary cirrhosis
B - Birth defect (harmless)
I - Infective endocarditis
N - Neoplasm (esp. Hodgkins)
G - GI malabsorption
Cutaneous inflammation patterns : "Pus of Pig Valve"

P - Psoriaform
S - Spongiotic (eczematous)
F - Folliculitis
P - Panniculitis
G - Granulomatous
V - Vasculopathic
L - Lichenoid
V - Vessiculobullous
Dapsone treated conditions : "DAPSONE"
D - Dermatitis herpetiformis
A - IgA, linear
P - Pemphigus / Pyoderma Gangrenosum
S - SLE, bullous variant
O - Other (Eosinophilic, Monocyctic)
N - Neutrophilic dermatoses / Vasculitis / HSP
E - Erythema Elevatum Diutinum
Dermatomyositis : "MUSCLE PAINS"
M - Malignancy (breast, lung, ovary, GI)
U - Ungual telangiectasias
S - Subcutaneous calcinosis
C - Cardiac
L - Liver
E - Eyes (heliotrope lids, photosensitivity, retinopathy)
P - Poikiloderma / Polyarthritis
A - Aldolase
I - Interstitial pneumonitis
N - Needle biopsy
S - Sclerodermatomyositis
Diseases With Angioid Streaks : "APPLES"
A - Acromegally
P - Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
P - Paget's disease
L - Lead poisoning
E - Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
S - Sickle cell anemia
Causes of Erythema Nodosum : "IDP OUT"
I - Infections (eg strep)
D - Drugs (eg sulfonamides)
P - Pregnancy
U - Ulcerative colitis
T - TB
Generalized skin Hyperpigmentation Causes : "SPARED"
S - Sunlight
P - Pregnancy
A - Addison's disease
R - Renal failure
E - Excess iron (haemochromatosis)
D - Drugs (eg busulphan)
Herpes zoster medications : "4A"
A - Acyclovir (or alternative depending on price: valacyclovir, famciclovir)
A - Asprin (or other analgesics)
A - Amitriptyline (low dose TCA to reduce neurlagia)
A - Antibiotics if needed for secondary infection.
Ichthyosis : "CORNERS"
CO - Conradi's
R - Rud's
N - Netherton's
E - Erythrokeratoderma Variabilis
R - Refsum's
S - Sjogren-Larsson
Impetigo Clinical Presentation : "IMPETIGO"
I - Infection with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes or both
M - Mostly in young children
P - Particularly around nose and surrounding parts of face
E - Erythematous base with honey-coloured crusts
T - Treat with Topical antibiotic such as fusidic acid for localized lesions
I - Individuals are highly contagious from skin-to-skin contact; Improve hygiene; do not share towels
G - Gram stain and culture of swab diagnostic
O - Oral flucloxacillin required for widespread impetigo
Lichen planus Characteristics : "4 Ps"
Melanoma Risks : "MMRISK"
M - Moles that are atypical or dysplastic nevi
M - Moles that are many in number
R - Red hair
I - Inability to tan
S - Sunburn (especially severe burns before age 14)
K - Kindred (family history)
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease; Skin Manifestations : "SMEAR"
S - Scleroderma
M - Myositis
E - Edema
A - Acrosclerosis
R - Raynauds
Malignant melanoma 3 sites with poor prognosis : "BANS"
BA - Back of Arm
N - Neck
S - Scalp
Non-Scarring Alopecia : "HOT TAP"
H : Hormonal - hypothyroidism, androgenic
O : Out of iron, zinc
T : Telogen effluvium, Tinea capitis
T : Toxins - heavy metals, chemotherapy
A : Autoimmune - alopecia areata, anagen effluvium
P : Physical - trichotillomania, traction alopecia
Nodules, Painful Cutaneous Nodules Causes : "BENGAL CO"
B - Blue rubber bleb nevus
E - Eccrine spiradenoma
N - Neurilemmoma/Neuroma
G - Glomus tumor
A - Angiolipoma/Angioleiomyoma/Angiosarcoma
L - Leiomyoma
C - Cutaneous endometriosis/Calcinosis cutis
O - Osteoma cutis
Painful Solitary Dermal Nodules : "TANGLED"
T - Traumatic neuroma
A - Angiolipoma
N - Neurilemmuma
G - Glomus tumor
L - Leiomyoma
E - Eccrine spiradenoma
G - Dercums disease (Adiposis Dolorosa)
Painful Tumors of The Skin : "BENGAL"
B - Blue rubber bleb nevus
E - Eccrine spiradenoma
N - Neuroma
G - Glomus tumor
A - Angiolipoma
L - Leiomyoma
Pruritus systemic causes : "TICH"
T - Thyroid disease/Type 1 DM
I - Iron deficiency anemia/Internal malignancy
C - CRF/Chronic liver disease
H - HIV infection/Hereditary hemochromatosis
Psoriasis, Pathophysiology : "PSORIASIS"

P - Pink Papules/Plaques/Pinpoint bleeding (Auspitz sign)/Physical injury (Koebner phenomenon)/Pain

S - Silver Scale/Sharp margins
O - Onycholysis/Oil spots
R - Rete Ridges with Regular elongation
I - Itching
A - Arthritis/ Abscess (Munro)
S - Stratum corneum with nuclei, neutrophils
I - Immunologic
S - Stratum granulosum absent/Stratum Spinosum thickening
Raynaud's phenomenon causes : "COLD HAND"
C - Cryoglobulins/Cryofibrinogens
O - Obstruction/Occupational
L - Lupus erythematosus, other connective tissue disease
D - Diabetes mellitus/Drugs
H - Hematologic problems (polycythemia, leukemia, etc)
A - Arterial problems (atherosclerosis)
N - Neurologic problems (vascular tone)
D - Disease of unknown origin (idiopathic)
Skin Functions : "SKIN"
S - Specialised sensory innervation/Synthesise Vitamin -D/Secretes pheromones
for Sex K - Keeps out unwanted molecules, microbes or radiation/Keeps in water, electrolytes and solutes
I - Immunological function; contains antigen-presenting cells
N - Normalises heat regulation
Squamous cell carcinoma Clinical presentation: "C, CELLS"
C - Chronic inflammation such as venous leg ulcers
C - Crusted, firm, irregular lesion
E - Excision used as treatment
L - Lower lip can be affected in smokers
L - Less likely to metastasise
S - Sun-exposed areas are usually affected: ears, dorsum of the hands, bald scalp
White patch of skin differential : "Vitiligo PATCH"
P - Pityriasis alba/Post-inflammatory hypopigmentation
A - Age related hypopigmentation
T - Tinea versicolor/ Tuberous sclerosis (ashleaf macule)
C - Congenital birthmark
H - Hansen's (leprosy)
Factors Delaying Wound Healing : "DID NOT HEAL"
D - Drugs
I - Infection/Icterus/Ischemia
D - Diabetes
N - Nutrition
O - Oxygen (hypoxia)
T - Toxins
H - Hypothermia/ Hyperthermia
E - EtOH
A - Acidosis
L - Local anesthetics

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