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AIDS Dementia Complex (ADC) features : "AIDS"
A - Atrophy of cortex
I - Infection/Inflammation
D - Demyelination
S - Six months death
Anorexia nervosa ,diagnostic criteria : "CIDA"
C - chooses not to eat,leading to a potentially dangerous weight loss.
I - Intense fear of being obese,even when underweight.
D - disturbance of weight perception( i.e feeling fat when thin).
A - Amenorrhoea for 3 or more consecutive cycles ( when not on the pill ).
Anxiety disorders physical illnesses mimicking them : "Pinky Has A Pink Tall Horse"
Autistic disorder features : "AUTISTICS"
A - Again and again (repetitive behavior)
U - Unusual Abilities
T - Talking (language) delay
I - IQ subnormal
S - Social development poor
T - Three years onset
Inherited component (35% concordance)
C - Cognitive impairment
S - Self injury
Biological symptoms in psychiatry: "SCALED"
S - Sleep disturbance
C - Concentration
A - Appetite
L - Libido
E - Energy
D - Diurnal mood variation
Borderline personality traits : "PRAISE"
P - Paranoid ideas
R - Relationship instability
A - Affective instability/Abandonment fears/Angry outbursts
I - Impulsiveness/Identity disturbance
S - Suicidal behaviour/Self-harming behaviour
E - Emptiness
Causes of delirium : "DELIRIUM"
D - Degenerative
E - Epilepsy (post-ictal states)
L - Liver failure
I - Intracranial (injury to the head, subarachnoid haemorrhage, TIA, meningitis, cerebral abscess)
R - Rheumatic chorea
I - Infections : pneumonia, septicaemia
U - Uraemia
M - Metabolic : electrolyte imbalance
Conduct disorder vs. Antisocial personality disorder :

Conduct disorder is seen in Children.

Antisocial personality disorder is seen in Adults.

Conversion disorder Etiology : Conversion disorder: Convert a Conflict to a Symptom.
Dementia main Causes : "VITAMIN D VEST"
V - Vitamin deficiency (B12, folate, thiamine)
I - Intracranial tumour
T - Trauma (head injury)
A - Anoxia
M - Metabolic (diabetes)
I - Infection (postencephalitis, HIV)
N - Normal pressure hydrocephalus
D - Degenerative (Alzheimers, Huntingtons, CJD, etc)
V - Vascular (multi infarct dementia)
E - Endocrine (hypothyroid)
S - Space occupying lesion (chronic subdural haematoma)
T - Toxic (alcohol)
Depression Causes : "UNHAPPINESS"
U - Understandable (such as bereavement, major stresses)
N - Neurotic (high anxiety personalities, negative parental upbringing.
H - Hypochondriasis
A - Agitation (usually organic causes such as dementia.
P - Pseudodementia
P - Pain
I - Importuniing (whingeing, complaining)
N - Nihilistic
E - Endogenous
S - Secondary (ie cancer at the head of the pancreas, bronchogenic cancer) Syndromal.
Depression Symptoms : "BAD CRISES"
B - Behavioural change (slowing down or agitation)
A - Appetite change (weight loss or weight gain in the young)
D - Depressed look (looking down)
C - Concentration decrease (does not do serial 7s well)
R - Ruminations (constant negative thoughts, hopelessness good indicator of suicidality)
I - Interest (reduced interest in what is normally pleasurable)
S - Sleep change (insomnia or hypersomnia, sleeping early, waking up at night, waking up feeling tired)
E - Energy change (fatigue)
S - Suicide
Depression, Major Episode Characteristics : "SPACE DIGS"
S - Sleep disruption
P - Psychomotor retardation
A - Appetite change
C - Concentration loss
E - Energy loss
D - Depressed mood
I - Interest wanes
G - Guilt
S - Suicidal tendencies
Depression: melancholic features (DSM IV) : "MELANcholic"
M - Morning worsening of symptoms/psychoMotor agitation, retardation/early Morning wakening.
E - Excessive guilt
L - Loss of emotional reactivity
AN - ANorexia/ANhedonia
Histrionic Personality : "PRAISE ME"
P - provocative (or seductive) behaviour
R - relationships, considered more intimate than they are
A - attention, must be at center
I - influenced easily
S - speech (style) - wants to impress, lacks detail
E - emotional ability, shallowness
M - make-up - physical appearance used to draw attention to self
E - exaggerated emotions - theatrical
Impotence Causes : "PLANE"
P - Psychogenic : performance anxiety
L - Libido : decreased with androgen deficiency, drugs
A - Autonomic neuropathy: impede blood flow redirection
N - Nitric oxide deficiency : impaired synthesis, decreased blood pressure
E - Erectile reserve : cannot maintain an erection
Kubler-Ross Dying Process Stages : "Death Always Brings Great Acceptance"
Lithium Uses : "CARL-BI"
Cluster headache
Recurrent neuropsychiatric syndrome
Bipolar disorder
Inappropriate ADH secretion syndrome (SIADH)
Mental Status Exam : "ASEPTIC"
A - Appearence and behaviour
S - Speech
E - Emotion (mood and affect)
P - Perception
T - Thought content and process
I - Insight and judgement
C - Cognition
Male Erectile Dysfunction (MED) drugs causing it : "STOP erection"
S - SSRI (fluoxtine)
T - Thioridazone
O - methyldOpa
P - Propranalol
Male erectile dysfunction (MED) biological causes : "MED"
M - Medicines(propranalol, methyldopa, SSRI, etc.)
E - Ethanol
D - Diabetes mellitus
Mania cardinal symptoms : "SAD GIFT"
S - Sleep deficit (decreased need for sleep)
A - Activity increase
D - Distractibility
G - Grandiosity
I - Indiscretion (DSM-IVs "excessive involvement in pleasurable activities")
F - Flight of ideas
T - Talkativeness (pressured speech)
Mania diagnostic criteria Must have 3 of : "MANIAC"
M - Mouth (pressure of speech)/Mood
A - Activity increased
N - Naughty (disinhibition)
I - Insomnia
A - Attention (distractability)
C - Confidence (grandiose ideas)
Middle adolescence (14-17 years) characteristics: "HERO"
H - Heterosexual crushes/Homosexual Experience
E - Education regarding short term benefits
R - Risk taking
O - Omnipotence
And there is interest in being a Hero (popular)
Narcolepsy symptoms : "CHAP"
C - Cataplexy
H - Hallucinations
A - Attacks of sleep
P - Paralysis on waking
Neuroleptic side effects onset The rule of : "4s"
Dystonia : 4 hours-4 days
Akathesia : 4 days-40 days
Extrapyramidal symptoms : 4 days-4 weeks
Tardive dyskinesia : 4 months (greater than)
Note that tardive is obviously the latest one to happen (tardive=tardy/late).
Note that the first letters of these four classic symptoms spell "DATE"
And this mnemonic is the dates when they occur.

time of onset SLeep terrors and SLeepwalking occur during SLow-wave sleep (stages 3 & 4).

NightmaRE occurs during REM sleep (and is REMembered).

Premature ejaculation treatment : "2 Ss"
SSRIs (eg: fluoxitime)
Squeezing technique (glans pressure before climax)
More detail with 2 more

Sensate-focus excercises (relieves anxiety)

Stop and start method (5-6 rehearsals of stopping stimulation before climax)
Psychiatric review of symptoms : "Depressed Patients Seem Anxious, So Claim Psychiatrists"
Depression and other mood disorders (major depression, bipolar disorder, dysthymia)
Personality disorders (primarily borderline personality disorder)
Substance abuse disorders
Anxiety disorders (panic disorder with agoraphobia, obssessive-compulsive disorder)
Somatization disorder, eating disorders (these two disorders are combined because both involve disorders of bodily perception)
Cognitive disorders (dementia, delirium)
Psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, delusional disorder and psychosis accompanying depression, substance abuse or dementia)
REM features : "REM"
R - Rapid pulse/Respiratory rate
E - Erection
M - Mental activity increase/Muscle paralysis
Schizophrenia Subtypes: "P CURD"
P - Paranoid
C - Catatonic
U - Undifferentiated
R - Residual
D - Disorganised
Schizophrenia negative features : "4 As"
Affective incongruence
Associative loosening
Sleep stages features : DElta waves during DEepest sleep (stages 3 & 4, slow-wave).
dREaM during REMsleep.
Substance dependence, features (DSM IV) : "WITHDraw IT"
3 of 7 within 12 month period:

W - Withdrawal
I - Interest or Important activities given up or reduced
T - Tolerance
H - Harm to physical and psychosocial known but continue to use
D - Desire to cut down, control
I - Intended time, amount exceeded
T - Time spent too much
Yalom's therapeutic factors : "IIIICU CAGES"
I - I still hope (installation of hope)
I - I am part of information (imparting information)
I - Imitate behavior
I - Interpersonal learning
C - Corrective recapitulation of primary
U - Universality
C - Catharsis
A - Altruism
G - Group cohesiveness (glue)
E - Existential factors
S - Socializing techniques development

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